Score! London Cycle Maps

I found a couple of bike maps! I was going crazy trying to find some. Soon after we arrived in London, my husband and I joined a Southwark Bike Train to central London, across Blackfriars Bridge, which has a fabulous new bike lane. Southwark Cyclists hosts several events, from bike trains to pleasure rides around London.

Our guides were great. When I mentioned that I could not find the TFL bike maps anywhere, Liz pulled a couple from her bike basket and gave them to me. She was not aware they were not being printed. She saved the day – she had no idea how grateful I was to get these maps!

Cycling in London can be pretty crazy and you need all the help you can get.

A few days later, during RideLondon, a two day cycling event that takes over the city, we picked up a few more maps at the Tourist Information building across from Saint Pauls. Liz thought you could find some at the information booth Victoria Station as well.

Now let’s see how helpful these maps really are….

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